
Implemented Npc message framework. Did some testing with dummy messages, seems to work now. Idea is to display max. 4 messages at time, messages are displayed for a while and then removed from display.
Now need to implement messaging to actual game logic.


Implemented plasma projectile weapon. Now been testing and tweaking. Gotta get it somewhat possible to hit incoming missiles. Now seems promising.
Also thinking about a new feature for the game: messages from other ships. E.g. greet messages, hints about various things, e.g. "Meteor spotted in location x,y" (useful when seeking meteors for mining), messages related to combat etc..


Added projectile sound.
TODO: add projectile-missile collision detection..
Implementing plasma projectile: projectile launching done. Every shot takes up plasma which ship has limited amount. plasma is regenerated to ship slowly.
Update: Collision detection to other ships implemented & some code refactoring done, moved "target destruction" handling from Missile to CPlayer class as this is common for all weapon types.
EDIT: screenshots showing Code::Blocks Project:


Have been doing Engine tinkering and also some progress on actual game side. Planning that the game will have 2 main modes: "adventure...